- Technology
- Applications
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When placed between two joining parts, the static friction coefficient can be increased up to µ=0.95 with a low deviation of the final coefficient.
Not only can significantly higher torque and shear forces be transmitted, but noise and vibrations are also prevented. This increase in performance and subsequent safety of the joints allows for use of thinner and lighter materials as well as new innovative material combinations, like connection of aluminium and plastic materials.
It is also possible to reduce the number or the size of bolts during pre-development process making Friction Inserts an essential technology to respond to the downsizing and e-mobility trends.
product structure
The physical effect used to increase the static friction coefficient is the material displacement: the harder the materials are, the more the coefficient can be increased.
Friction Inserts can be used as a repair element in emergency cases where existing connections are at their performance limit as well as a design element. With an ultra-thin carrier of only 20 µm, Friction Inserts do not add any tolerance to the joint. This is a key advantage for automotive customers wanting to implement same part strategies on different vehicle models and platforms.
Hard particles are available in a wide range of sizes from 10 to 115 µm and in various particle distributions.
These numerous and flexible properties are key to meet the desired performance levels required by the different material combinations and by special coatings used on parts.
Friction Inserts perform well on corrosion-protected parts. In addition, they are made from 100 percent inert materials resulting in no influence on corrosion in the joint.
The application procedure and handling operating mode are adapted to your process and supply chain. The contrast of color between Friction Inserts and the joint surfaces allows easeier and more efficient quality checks with an imaging-based system.